Eazy-E, known as the Godfather of Gangsta Rap, is responsible for igniting a revolution in the world of popular music. His company and label, Ruthless Records, and his iconic and legendary group N.W.A, gave the world an entirely new kind of hip-hop and paved the way for much of what the genre is today. From the beginning, Eazy-E and N.W.A invited controversy and reveled at pushing every boundary. From explicit, often violent lyrics that denied them radio play to songs like “Straight Outta Compton”, and “Fuck the Police” which drew the ire of the FBI and filled their live shows with a palpable tension. N.W.A was dubbed “The World’s Most Dangerous Group” for a reason.
Now, WE TV will debut the ground-breaking, original investigative docuseries, The Mysterious Death of Eazy-E on Thursday, August 12th at 10pm. Featuring never-before-seen footage and interviews, the four hour-long installments will explore the extraordinary impact Eazy-E had on the music industry and his daughter, Ebie‘s quest for answers to the perplexing circumstances surrounding the 1995 death of the Gangsta rap icon.
Did Eazy-E truly die from AIDS? If so, how did he contract it? Are there people who wanted this pioneer and father dead? The investigative series uncovers these questions and more. The Mysterious Death of Eazy-E follows rap legend Eazy-E’s daughter, Ebie, on a personal journey to examine the unexplained circumstances surrounding her father’s death 26 years ago. Ebie teams up with her mother, Eazy’s ex, Tracy, as well as hip-hop journalist, Jasmine Simpkins, to seek the truth. Unravelling this intricate story through tracking down eyewitnesses to Eazy-E’s last days, revealing unseen footage and testing long-held theories around his untimely death. The investigation attempts to give the family, and his fans, clarity and the closure that they all crave…what really happened to Eazy-E?
Eazy-E built the most successful independent music startup of its time. But as the owner and most visible figure on the label, many became jealous of his success and he quickly attracted high profile enemies in the industry. Through the years, Eazy’s list of enemies grew to include The FBI, white supremacists, right wing terror groups and even rival distributers plotting secret takeovers have been alleged. And Eazy himself continued to invite controversy and criticism. He even took heat from his own community when he stood up for one of the police officers charged in the Rodney King beating. His controversial life have much to do with the questions surrounding his death. There were many with something to gain. If foul play was at all a factor, Eazy-E would make a logical candidate.
Check out the trailer below for The Mysterious Death of Eazy-E:
The Mysterious Death of Eazy-E is executive produced by Ebie, Tracy Jernagin, DJ Skee, Thao Dipolito, and John Halterman.
source https://westcoaststyles.com/news/2021/07/we-tv-premiering-investigative-series-the-mysterious-death-of-eazy-e-on-august-12/
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